Producing oil well for Sale
661 Acres held by one Producing Oil Well in South Texas .The Oil Well is 5000 foot deep. The well is producing 3 barels oil in a day without water . I own 100% working interes an 75% NRI .Is plenty of room to drill new wells
More Info40 Wells for Sale
Attached is my 40 well production package. These properties are in South Texas and consists of roughly 7,300 non contiguous acres. There’s 30 PUDS and lots of behind pipe pay. There’s a combination of approximately 115% override and 750% working interest. I do not own all the interest in each well but I own an […]
More Info2 Producing Leases For Sale
170 Acres; 7 wells: 2 Injection, 7 producers Average production 6 BOPD Operations cost¬ $900 monthly average several drilling locations. Some drilling potential in a 1400ft zone. 1 new Full tank battery and 1 injection pump with brand new modern water knock out. Electric meets new standards being enforced by the RRC. 100%WI / 75% […]
More InfoASSET SALE, TAKING OFFERS, +175 bpd +200mcfpd
Small producer with just under 250 Wells and about 55 leases, spanning from Snyder to Orla, with the bulk in Winkler, Ward, Reaves, and Loving Counties. This Package was sold September 2023 for 12 MM and had to be seized by selling party for buyer breach of contract. We have begun work to return production […]
More InfoOpportunity with San Andres Production
Two wells are active producers equipped and pumping, producing conservatively 4-8 barrels of oil per day. One active producing well has a new pump but needs electricity to produce conservatively 2-3.5 barrels of oil per day. Five shut-in wells are equipped and ready to be brought back into active well status, producing conservatively 9-13 barrels […]
More Info20 Oil and Gas Wells (Inactive – Full Geo)
We purchased 100 well bores from an operator and and have around 20 wells oil and gas that do not meet our criteria. Most of these wells can produce. We have a geological report for each well, logs and data. The wells are from 3500′-6000′ deep in and around district 7b, and surrounding counties. This […]
More InfoSeeking Production & Drillng Opportunity in Permian Basin
Our company is looking to JV or purchase oil and gas assets with some production and opportunity to work over & drill more wells in Permian Basin. Please send us info about your assets or call us.
More Info18 Gas Wells
18 Gas wells with upside. Monthly revenue 8-20k depending on gas prices.
More InfoShallow well drilling prospect
Lease has had prior shallow well production. Drilling offsetting one well that had a 10 foot pay zone. these zones are from 10 to 50 feet and I.P. at 24 to 40 barrels of oil. Have all geological info.
More InfoYoung County
160 acres for lease. Has had 1 small Mississippi well and the north half of property shows a large Mississippi on radiometrics. Needs 2 lines of seismic done to confirm. Surface geology supports the radiometrics.
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